QUAD II – The legend
The QUAD II tube amplifier for sure is a living part of hifi historie. Developed under the law of physics, more than 6 decades ago, this amplifier still sound phenomenal. Only 12 Watt per channel leads you on a direct way to the music.
Since the QUAD II came to market back in the 50`s of last century, this amplifier is always the choice when music matters.
So natural, that the listener immediately forget about the music system he is listening to, but feel the music. The first produced QUAD II has been sold as single amplifiers for the use in mono systems.
When they switched from mono to stereo is was a good step for both: Music lovers could enjoy a better image of the real stage in there living rooms and QUAD as a company just doubled there turnover.
QUAD Musikwiedergabe delivers perfect refurbished original QUAD II amplifiers or new produced ones.
Technical details: Dimensions: W x H x D 120 x 165 x 315mm; Output 2 x 12 Watt; Sensivity: 1,4V; Band Width: 20Hz – 20KHz;
AC voltage: 220/250V 50-60Hz (original ones) 100/120 220/250V 50-60Hz (new produced ones);
Tubes: 2 x KT66, 2xEF86, 1xGZ32 (34)
Price: from 3990€ for a pair of restored QUAD II incl. German VAT. In case you live outside the EU ask for your export price excl. VAT.
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