QUAD electrostatics are timeless.
This can be put in another way by saying:
“Peter Walker (Quad founder) developed his wonderful ESLs according to physical laws, which means as long as we see no change in these laws, QUAD ESLs will remain timeless”.
The QUAD story started in the UK more than 80 years ago. For the last more than 30 years, QUAD Musikwiedergabe Germany has been continuing the story. Our customers are individuals and professionals, all of them music lovers.
In today's world we see a lot of new digital products which means a change in the way people work in recording studios and also in the way we listen our favorite music. A growing number of customers are building their music system around a computer instead of using a turntable. New digital formats and high resolution streaming offer a great quality.
QUAD electrostatics remain as the “stable” point in this game. The thin membran. The way the membrane gets moved by static forces, following the music signal in a perfect way. Some say electrostatics are the best speakers ever. This counts even more in today's world which offers more options.
We invite everyone to get in touch with us. Maybe you do have an business idea in mind or maybe you are interested in technical details. Or you risk to get infected by the “QUAD virus” (like we were long time ago).
Just drop us an e-mail and let us know about your ideas.